Customise Product Feed Manager- WooCommerce Product Feeds For Google Shopping, Social Catalog, TikTok Ads, and 180+ Popular Marketplaces WordPress plugin /best-woocommerce-feed/

WordPress plugin ID: 2068 download to customise Product Feed Manager- WooCommerce Product Feeds For Google Shopping, Social Catalog, TikTok Ads, and 180+ Popular Marketplaces WordPress plugin version 7.4.26+ 706,944 downloads author rextheme


Open source bank Product Feed Manager- WooCommerce Product Feeds For Google Shopping, Social Catalog, TikTok Ads, and 180+ Popular Marketplaces WordPress custom child plugin ready for code modifications

Sample code: /best-woocommerce-feed-child/plugin.php

 * Plugin Name:       Product Feed Manager- WooCommerce Product Feeds For Google Shopping, Social Catalog, TikTok Ads, and 180+ Popular Marketplaces Child Plugin
 * Plugin URI:
 * Description:       Custom Product Feed Manager- WooCommerce Product Feeds For Google Shopping, Social Catalog, TikTok Ads, and 180+ Popular Marketplaces plugin code dependant on Product Feed Manager- WooCommerce Product Feeds For Google Shopping, Social Catalog, TikTok Ads, and 180+ Popular Marketplaces plugin
 * Version:           1.0.1
 * Requires at least: 5.2
 * Requires PHP:      7.2
 * Author:            wordpressdeveloperlondon
 * Author URI:
 * License:           GPLv3
 * License URI:
 * Text Domain:       best-woocommerce-feed-child
 * Domain Path:       /languages
 * Requires Plugins:  best-woocommerce-feed

 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * WordPress plugin ID: 2068 best-woocommerce-feed-child version 1.0.1
 * WordPress plugin dependancy: Product Feed Manager- WooCommerce Product Feeds For Google Shopping, Social Catalog, TikTok Ads, and 180+ Popular Marketplaces
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if((get_option("wordpressdeveloperlondon_settingwordpress_seo_2068")) != 1) 
	function wordpressdeveloperlondon_files_wordpress_seo_2068()
		$plugin_url = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__);

		wp_enqueue_style("wordpress_seo_2068-stylesheet", $plugin_url . "css/style.css");
		wp_enqueue_script("wordpress_seo_2068-script", $plugin_url . "js/scripts.js", array("jquery"), "1.0.0", true);
	add_action("wp_enqueue_scripts", "wordpressdeveloperlondon_files_wordpress_seo_2068", 80);

if(get_option("wordpressdeveloperlondon_setting_htmlwordpress_seo_2068") != 1)
	function plugin_sourcewordpress_seo_2068()


/* Stylesheet file */


/* JavaScript file */
jQuery(document).ready(function($){ });



Extend WordPress Plugins

With a WordPress plugin built like a WordPress child theme

Parent plugin path /wp-content/plugins/best-woocommerce-feed/
Child plugin path (this WP plugin) /wp-content/plugins/best-woocommerce-feed-child/
WordPress plugin ID 2068
Size ≥20KB zipped

WordPress Plugin API Data

WordPress API data for the parent WordPress plugin /best-woocommerce-feed/

December 2024 data source:


5 / 5 203
4 / 5 1
3 / 5 0
2 / 5 2
1 / 5 10


Overall score 96 / 100

Plugin usage data

Total downloads 706,944
Number of active Installs 10,000

Support data

Number of requests 13
Number of resolutions 10 API found

We calculated plugin support effectiveness in Dec 2024

$resolved = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'support_threads_resolved', true);
$total = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'support_threads', true);

if($total > 0)
    echo $sum = (($resolved / $total) * 100);

Calculated support effectiveness 76.92%

Need Support?

For WordPress plugin support contact Ben WordPress Developer London