Customise Responsive Pricing Table WordPress plugin /dk-pricr-responsive-pricing-table/

WordPress plugin ID: 1840 download to customise Responsive Pricing Table WordPress plugin version 5.1.12+ 479,702 downloads author spwebguy


Open source bank Responsive Pricing Table WordPress custom child plugin ready for code modifications

Sample code: /dk-pricr-responsive-pricing-table-child/plugin.php

 * Plugin Name:       Responsive Pricing Table Child Plugin
 * Plugin URI:
 * Description:       Custom Responsive Pricing Table plugin code dependant on Responsive Pricing Table plugin
 * Version:           1.0.1
 * Requires at least: 5.2
 * Requires PHP:      7.2
 * Author:            wordpressdeveloperlondon
 * Author URI:
 * License:           GPLv3
 * License URI:
 * Text Domain:       dk-pricr-responsive-pricing-table-child
 * Domain Path:       /languages
 * Requires Plugins:  dk-pricr-responsive-pricing-table

 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * WordPress plugin ID: 1840 dk-pricr-responsive-pricing-table-child version 1.0.1
 * WordPress plugin dependancy: Responsive Pricing Table
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if((get_option("wordpressdeveloperlondon_settingwordpress_seo_1840")) != 1) 
	function wordpressdeveloperlondon_files_wordpress_seo_1840()
		$plugin_url = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__);

		wp_enqueue_style("wordpress_seo_1840-stylesheet", $plugin_url . "css/style.css");
		wp_enqueue_script("wordpress_seo_1840-script", $plugin_url . "js/scripts.js", array("jquery"), "1.0.0", true);
	add_action("wp_enqueue_scripts", "wordpressdeveloperlondon_files_wordpress_seo_1840", 80);

if(get_option("wordpressdeveloperlondon_setting_htmlwordpress_seo_1840") != 1)
	function plugin_sourcewordpress_seo_1840()


/* Stylesheet file */


/* JavaScript file */
jQuery(document).ready(function($){ });



Extend WordPress Plugins

With a WordPress plugin built like a WordPress child theme

Parent plugin path /wp-content/plugins/dk-pricr-responsive-pricing-table/
Child plugin path (this WP plugin) /wp-content/plugins/dk-pricr-responsive-pricing-table-child/
WordPress plugin ID 1840
Size ≥20KB zipped

WordPress Plugin API Data

WordPress API data for the parent WordPress plugin /dk-pricr-responsive-pricing-table/

December 2024 data source:


5 / 5 81
4 / 5 1
3 / 5 1
2 / 5 2
1 / 5 7


Overall score 92 / 100

Plugin usage data

Total downloads 479,702
Number of active Installs 10,000

Support data

Number of requests 0
Number of resolutions 0 API found

We calculated plugin support effectiveness in Dec 2024

$resolved = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'support_threads_resolved', true);
$total = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'support_threads', true);

if($total > 0)
    echo $sum = (($resolved / $total) * 100);

Calculated support effectiveness 0 or no result

Need Support?

For WordPress plugin support contact Ben WordPress Developer London